[Pywikipedia-l] SVN: [5681] trunk/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py

nicdumz at svn.wikimedia.org nicdumz at svn.wikimedia.org
Sun Jul 6 13:20:51 UTC 2008

Revision: 5681
Author:   nicdumz
Date:     2008-07-06 13:20:50 +0000 (Sun, 06 Jul 2008)

Log Message:
* Overriding urllib.FancyURLopener.http_error_default to catch 403 and 404 errors :
Without this, trying to access an unexisting path had strange behavior. In particular,
404 pages using a different encoding than the site' encoding was raising "code2encodings has wrong charset"...
* removing useless and misleading Site.charset

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py
--- trunk/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py	2008-07-06 10:31:36 UTC (rev 5680)
+++ trunk/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py	2008-07-06 13:20:50 UTC (rev 5681)
@@ -5574,12 +5574,11 @@
     def checkCharset(self, charset):
         """Warn if charset returned by wiki doesn't match family file."""
-        if not hasattr(self,'charset'):
-            self.charset = charset
-        assert self.charset.lower() == charset.lower(), \
+        fromFamily = self.encoding()
+        assert fromFamily.lower() == charset.lower(), \
                "charset for %s changed from %s to %s" \
-                   % (repr(self), self.charset, charset)
-        if self.encoding().lower() != charset.lower():
+                   % (repr(self), fromFamily, charset)
+        if fromFamily.lower() != charset.lower():
             raise ValueError(
 "code2encodings has wrong charset for %s. It should be %s, but is %s"
                              % (repr(self), charset, self.encoding()))
@@ -6414,6 +6413,14 @@
 class MyURLopener(urllib.FancyURLopener):
+    def http_error_default(self, url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers):
+        if errcode == 401 or errcode == 404:
+            raise PageNotFound(u'Page %s could not be retrieved. Check your family file ?' % url)
+        else:
+            return urllib.FancyURLopener(self, url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers)
 # Special opener in case we are using a site with authentication
 if config.authenticate:

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