[Pywikipedia-l] SVN: [4922] trunk/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py

filnik at svn.wikimedia.org filnik at svn.wikimedia.org
Tue Jan 22 14:57:27 UTC 2008

Revision: 4922
Author:   filnik
Date:     2008-01-22 14:57:27 +0000 (Tue, 22 Jan 2008)

Log Message:
I have added a parameter on replaceCategoryLinks() to fix a bug found on add_text.py (category won't be added at all otherwise)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py
--- trunk/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py	2008-01-21 11:14:17 UTC (rev 4921)
+++ trunk/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py	2008-01-22 14:57:27 UTC (rev 4922)
@@ -3209,11 +3209,15 @@
                              ['nowiki', 'comment', 'math', 'pre', 'source'])
     return text
-def replaceCategoryLinks(oldtext, new, site=None):
+def replaceCategoryLinks(oldtext, new, site = None, addOnly = False):
     """Replace the category links given in the wikitext given
        in oldtext by the new links given in new.
        'new' should be a list of Category objects.
+       If addOnly is True, the old category won't be deleted and
+       the category(s) given will be added
+       (and so they won't replace anything).
     # Find a marker that is not already in the text.
@@ -3227,8 +3231,11 @@
         raise Error('The PyWikipediaBot is no longer allowed to touch categories on the German Wikipedia. See http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilfe_Diskussion:Personendaten/Archiv/bis_2006#Position_der_Personendaten_am_.22Artikelende.22')
     s = categoryFormat(new, insite = site)
-    s2 = removeCategoryLinks(oldtext, site = site, marker = marker)
+    if addOnly:
+        s2 = oldtext
+    else:
+        s2 = removeCategoryLinks(oldtext, site = site, marker = marker)
     if s:
         if site.language() in site.family.category_attop:
             newtext = s + site.family.category_text_separator + s2

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