[Pywikipedia-l] SVN: [4855] trunk/pywikipedia/catall.py

filnik at svn.wikimedia.org filnik at svn.wikimedia.org
Sat Jan 12 12:50:32 UTC 2008

Revision: 4855
Author:   filnik
Date:     2008-01-12 12:50:31 +0000 (Sat, 12 Jan 2008)

Log Message:
Some minor fixes, better written (I hope). The most important:  Replaced all the print with wikipedia.output() and also added the italian message.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/pywikipedia/catall.py
--- trunk/pywikipedia/catall.py	2008-01-12 12:20:37 UTC (rev 4854)
+++ trunk/pywikipedia/catall.py	2008-01-12 12:50:31 UTC (rev 4855)
@@ -2,32 +2,30 @@
 Add or change categories on a number of pages. Usage:
 catall.py name - goes through pages, starting at 'name'. Provides
- the categories on the page and asks whether to change them. If no
- starting name is provided, the bot starts at 'A'.
+the categories on the page and asks whether to change them. If no
+starting name is provided, the bot starts at 'A'.
 -onlynew : Only run on pages that do not yet have a category.
 # (C) Rob W.W. Hooft, Andre Engels, 2004
+# (C) Filnik, 2008
 # Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
-__version__ = '$Id$'
+__version__ = '$Id: catall.py,v 1.5 2008/01/12 12:49:25 filnik Exp$'
-import wikipedia,sys
+import wikipedia, sys
-# This is a purely interactive robot. We set the delays lower.
+msg = {
     'en':u'Bot: Changing categories',
     'he':u'Bot: משנה קטגוריות',
     'fr':u'Bot: Change categories',
     'he':u'בוט: משנה קטגוריות',
     'ia':u'Bot: Alteration de categorias',
+    'it':u'Bot: Cambio categorie',
     'ja':u'ロボットによる: カテゴリ変更',
     'lt':u'robotas: Keičiamos kategorijos',
     'nl':u'Bot: Verandering van categorieen',
@@ -38,35 +36,36 @@
 def choosecats(pagetext):
-    chosen=[]
-    flag=False
-    length=1000
-    print ("Give the new categories, one per line.")
-    print ("Empty line: if the first, don't change. Otherwise: Ready.")
-    print ("-: I made a mistake, let me start over.")
-    print ("?: Give the text of the page with GUI.")
-    print ("??: Give the text of the page in console.") 
-    print ("xx: if the first, remove all categories and add no new.")
-    print ("q: quit.")
+    chosen = []
+    flag = False
+    length = 1000
+    textToPrint = """Give the new categories, one per line.
+Empty line: if the first, don't change. Otherwise: Ready.
+-: I made a mistake, let me start over.
+?: Give the text of the page with GUI.
+??: Give the text of the page in console.
+xx: if the first, remove all categories and add no new.
+q: quit."""
+    wikipedia.output(textToPrint)
     while flag == False:
-        choice=wikipedia.input(u"?")
-        if choice=="":
-            flag=True
-        elif choice=="-":
-            chosen=choosecats(pagetext)
-            flag=True
-        elif choice=="?":
+        choice = wikipedia.input(u"\nSo, what do you want to do?")
+        if choice == "":
+            flag = True
+        elif choice == "-":
+            chosen = choosecats(pagetext)
+            flag = True
+        elif choice == "?":
             import editarticle
             editor = editarticle.TextEditor()
             newtext = editor.edit(pagetext)
-        elif choice =="??":
+        elif choice == "??":
             length = length+500 
-        elif choice=="xx" and chosen==[]:
+        elif choice== "xx" and chosen == []:
             chosen = None
-            flag=True
-        elif choice=="q":
-            print "quit..."
+            flag = True
+        elif choice == "q":
+            wikipedia.output("quit...")
@@ -75,37 +74,39 @@
 def make_categories(page, list, site = None):
     if site is None:
         site = wikipedia.getSite()
-    pllist=[]
+    pllist = []
     for p in list:
-        cattitle="%s:%s" % (site.category_namespace(), p)
+        cattitle = "%s:%s" % (site.category_namespace(), p)
     page.put(wikipedia.replaceCategoryLinks(page.get(), pllist), comment = wikipedia.translate(site.lang, msg))
+    # This is a purely interactive robot. We set the delays lower.
+    wikipedia.get_throttle.setDelay(5)
+    wikipedia.put_throttle.setDelay(10)
+    docorrections=True
+    start = []
-for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
-    if arg == '-onlynew':
-        docorrections=False
+    for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
+        if arg == '-onlynew':
+            docorrections=False
+        else:
+            start.append(arg)
+    if start == []:
+        start = 'A'
-        start.append(arg)
+        start = ' '.join(start)
-if start == []:
-    start='A'
-    start=' '.join(start)
-mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
+    mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
     for p in mysite.allpages(start = start):
-            text=p.get()
-            cats=p.categories()
+            text = p.get()
+            cats = p.categories()
             if cats == []:
                 wikipedia.output(u"========== %s ==========" % p.title())
-                print "No categories"
-                print "----------------------------------------"
+                wikipedia.output("No categories")
+                wikipedia.output("----------------------------------------")
                 if newcats != [] and newcats is not None:
                     make_categories(p, newcats, mysite)
@@ -113,14 +114,15 @@
                 if docorrections:
                     wikipedia.output(u"========== %s ==========" % p.title())
                     for c in cats:
-                        print c.title()
-                    print "----------------------------------------"
+                        wikipedia.output(c.title())
+                    wikipedia.output("----------------------------------------"
                     if newcats == None:
                         make_categories(p, [], mysite)
                     elif newcats != []:
                         make_categories(p, newcats, mysite)
         except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
-            pass
+            wikipedia.output(u'%s is a redirect, skip...' % p.title())
+            continue

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