[Mediawiki-l] ResourceLoader caching problems

trueskew trueskew at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 15:53:36 UTC 2011

I've experienced performance issues also.  I don't have any custom skins, just monobook.  I found that simple pages with little or no query work generally took longer.  If Headertabs were present, I could always see the tab strings listed for 1-3 seconds before the tabs showed up, versus 1.16 on the same machine going straight to the tabs.

Between that and the not-quite-supported extensions, I've had to stop doing mw 1.17 migration work.  

-----Original Message-----
From: mediawiki-l-bounces at lists.wikimedia.org [mailto:mediawiki-l-bounces at lists.wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of Szots Ákos
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2011 2:59 AM
To: mediawiki-l at lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: [Mediawiki-l] ResourceLoader caching problems

Dear members, 

I've just upgraded to MediaWiki 1.17 and also updated my skin file to use ResourceLoader.
But the problem is with ResourceLoader, that my site is loading from 8 secs to 2 mins… Before it took approximately 4-5 seconds.

What I did:
I created an extension with an array structure in it:
$wgResourceModules ['ext.MorroHun'] = array (…) and inside I specified all of the necessary own scripts and all the CSS files (both own and skin- related).
After edited LocalSettings to load this file, in the skin file, in the
initPage() function I added the module: $out->addModules('ext.MorroHun');

Everything is ok with the page appearance, but it's incredibly slow. Maybe doesn't ResourceLoader cache the generated compressed CSS and JS files on server side? Unfortunately the server doesn't have any caching facility (APC, memcache etc.).

I googled a lot how RL caches the results on server side but I didn't find anything.

Ákos Szőts

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