[Mediawiki-l] Antwort: Re: Passwords in cleartext via SSL-Loginpage

amuenzeb at rockwellcollins.com amuenzeb at rockwellcollins.com
Thu Oct 7 14:54:16 UTC 2010

mediawiki-l-bounces at lists.wikimedia.org schrieb am 06.10.2010 17:27:02:

> > My impression regarding A) is, that the LDAP-extension-plugin does not
> > support cleartext communication with the LDAP-server out of the box, 
> > unless you explicitly set the option to use cleartext, you will be 
> > Am I right?
> The default is LDAP via StartTLS, and it is enforced. You can change
> to LDAPS or cleartext LDAP, if you so choose.

Secure out of the box. Well designed :-) Thanks for reassuring.

> I believe there is a way to do this. You'll need to make sure your
> cookies are marked as secure, and the web server ensures that login
> pages are forced SSL. There used to be a configuration hack, but it
> looks like the documentation is no longer on mediawiki.org. I'd find
> it in the history, but it may be gone for a reason.

I used the extension promoted by Daniel Barret in his reply to my post. As 
fas as I understood the source code, it does exactly what you describe 
here. And it works like a charme.

> - Ryan Lane

Thank you Ryan and Daniel!


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