[Mediawiki-l] Dieser Benutzer hat keine gültige E-Mail-Adresse angegeben.

uv22e Alcott uv22ealcott at googlemail.com
Wed Nov 24 23:03:27 UTC 2010


now I got it with the Contact form but now its saying something like this
"this user has not provided a guilty emailaddeess"

where can I change this?

I set the Localsettings already

$wgEmergencyContact = "info at mydomain.com";
$wgPasswordSender = "info at mydomain.com";

The ContactPage.php

# Configuration
// Name of a registered wiki user who will receive the mails
$wgContactUser = myusername;
// E-mail address used as the sender of the contact email, if the visitor
// not supply an email address. Defaults to $wgEmergencyContact.
$wgContactSender = null;

// The name to be used with $wgContactSender.
// This will be shown in the recipient's e-mail program
$wgContactSenderName = 'Contact Form on ' . $wgSitename;

// If true, users will be required to supply a name and an e-mail address
// on Special:Contact.
$wgContactRequireAll = false;

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