[Mediawiki-l] Thumbnailer error on large file

Dan Nessett dnessett at yahoo.com
Fri May 21 21:06:28 UTC 2010

On Fri, 21 May 2010 18:17:56 +0000, Dan Nessett wrote:

> On Fri, 21 May 2010 19:32:40 +0200, Platonides wrote:
>> Dan Nessett wrote:
>>> We are getting a thumbnailer error on a png file of 16 Mpx. This error
>>> is: "Error creating thumbnail: Invalid thumbnail parameters". It
>>> appears there is an upper bound limitation somewhere, since Wikipedia
>>> has a similar problem (e.g., see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
>>> Category:Old_Ordnance_Survey_map_images).
>>> Is this a hard limit due to limitations of Imagemagick or is there a
>>> global that controls the upper bound on image size that the
>>> thumbnailer can handle?
>> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgMaxImageArea
>> ImageMagick isn't limited AFAIK. If it has not enough machine memory,
>> it will start using files as swap (or perhaps the OOM killer gets
>> launched).
> Changed the value of $wgMaxImageArea to 2.5e7 and tried again. The error
> message is eliminated, but the thumbnail is missing (a completely
> transparent thumbnail is displayed). The base file is a 4kx4k px (15.2
> MB) png file. Any idea why Imagemagick fails to produce a valid (600x600
> px) thumbnail? If not, any hints how to chase down the problem?
> Dan

To see what happens, I tried to convert the file manually from my command 
line prompt. The command I used was

convert -thumbnail 600x600 

It worked perfectly.

Might there be a problem related to the long file name?

-- Dan Nessett

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