[Mediawiki-l] Files and Folder names with spaces - linking issues

Kushal Koolwal kushalkoolwal at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 26 23:14:40 UTC 2009

I am running mediawiki on Linux a box.

Here is what I have noticed:

works fine

But when there are spaces in the  folder/file name (for example:G:\TEMP\link test\test.pdf):
does not work

However if you add an extra "/" in the file:// keyword like this:
works fine.

Is this something normal? Is there any setting (in Mediawiki) by which adding the extra "/" can be taken care off. It is easy for technical users but non-technical users can get frustrated if they have to remember these details.

Kushal Koolwal

I do blog at http://9to5.koolwal.net/
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