[Mediawiki-l] Include MediaWiki article pages in skin

Matthias Korn matsch at rockinchina.com
Mon Jun 15 20:53:57 UTC 2009

Put something like this in YourSkin.php at the desired place, style it
with CSS and finally edit

<div id="p-topnavi" class="portlet">
<?php $this->msgWiki('Topnav') ?>

(Tested with 1.13)


Am Mon, 15 Jun 2009 15:23:16 -0500
schrieb Walter Mazza <wjmazza at gmail.com>:

> Hey all,
> I cannot seem to find this documented anywhere, so not sure if it's
> possible... but how can I include a MediaWiki page (example:
> MediaWiki:Headerbar) to a skin? I would like to include a page that
> can be edited via MediaWiki much like how you can edit
> MediaWiki:Sidebar. Is this possible?
> Thanks!
> Walter Mazza
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Rock in China

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