[Mediawiki-l] Lost EDITING new page

Dave Sigafoos davesigafoos at sanmar.com
Tue Sep 30 23:51:41 UTC 2008

Version Info


*	MediaWiki <http://www.mediawiki.org/> : 1.10.0 
*	PHP <http://www.php.net/> : 5.2.0-8+etch11 (apache2handler) 
*	MySQL <http://www.mysql.com/> : 5.0.32-Debian_7etch6-log 



In the last week we have somehow lost the ability to 'edit' a new page.
You can go to a page and edit the whole page or a section of the page.


But If you enter "FOOBAR PAGE" in the search then click on edit new page
you will get a blank page with no header/footer .. nothing (guess that
is what 'blank' means)


Has anyone seen this before?  Ideas on what could change in a system
(outside of mediawiki) to do this?



David Tod Sigafoos | SANMAR Corporation 
davesigafoos at sanmar.com 



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