No subject

Sat Oct 4 14:55:08 UTC 2008

.  Not sure what I'm missing.


 *   PHP 5.1.6 installed
 *   Found database drivers for: PostgreSQL
 *   PHP server API is apache2handler; ok, using pretty URLs (index.php/Pag=
 *   Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support.
 *   PHP's memory_limit is 16M. If this is too low, installation may fail! =
Attempting to raise limit to 20M... ok.
 *   Have zlib support; enabling output compression.
 *   Couldn't find Turck MMCache<>, eA=
ccelerator<> or APC<
apc>. Object caching functions cannot be used.
 *   Found GNU diff3: /usr/bin/diff3.
 *   Found ImageMagick: /usr/bin/convert; image thumbnailing will be enable=
d if you enable uploads.
 *   Installation directory: /web/wiki
 *   Script URI path: /wiki
 *   Environment checked. You can install MediaWiki.
 *   Generating configuration file...

 *   Database type: PostgreSQL
 *   Loading class: DatabasePostgres
 *   Attempting to connect to database "wikidb" as "wikiuser"...OK
 *   Checking the version of Postgres...version 8.3.4 is OK.
 *   Checking for tsearch2 in the schema "public"...FAILED. Make sure tsear=
ch2 is installed. See this article<
1674/0/page/2> for instructions.

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