[Mediawiki-l] upoad file error for non-logged in users

Rob Lingelbach rob at colorist.org
Mon Jul 7 14:46:21 UTC 2008

image uploads work fine for logged-in users.  however,

running MediaWiki-1.12, using

$wgEnableUploads                = true;
# This snippet prevents editing from anonymous users
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;

and dir 'images' is writable, is it normal that when someone who isn't  
logged in tries to upload a file, they get a blank return page and I  
see the following error in the httpd log:

[Mon Jul 07 07:05:39 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal  
error:  Cannot redeclare wfspecialupload() (previously declared in / 
var/www/html/colorist/wiki3/includes/SpecialUpload.php:12) in /var/www/ 
html/colorist/wiki3/includes/SpecialUpload.php on line 15, referer: http://tig.colorist.org/wiki3/index.php/Main_Page

thanks for any help, in advance.

Rob Lingelbach
rob at colorist.org    http://www.colorist.org/robhome.html

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