[Mediawiki-l] Import data to create articles?

Michael Dreimiller mcd at dreimiller.com
Sat Mar 3 19:34:43 UTC 2007

I've got a Excel spreadsheet containing two columns of data  - the  
first is a list of names and the second is plain text data associated  
with each name - that I would like to import into my MediaWiki  
database, creating articles for each name with the data in the second  
column as the content for each article. Is there a way to do an  
import like that? All I've been able to find is Special:Import which  
only works with the XML files created using Special:Export. I thought  
about reformatting my data in the XML format used by the  
Special:Export function but I don't know how I would handle some of  
the fields like ID and Revision ID which I assume are unique and  
automatically assigned.


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