[Mediawiki-l] If anyone wants to see TableEdit in action

Jim Hu jimhu at tamu.edu
Sun Jul 29 04:50:56 UTC 2007

A few people had asked for a demo site for TableEdit, but I was  
reluctant to open my wiki to anonymous editing.  I still haven't done  
that, but I have now changed the way TableEdit deals with $wgUser- 
 >isAllowed so that instead of kicking the users out right away, it  
lets them see the TableEdit user interface and add rows, edit things,  
etc.  But it displays a big warning that changes won't be saved.

So... if anyone wants a taste of how it works:


Jim Hu
Associate Professor
Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics
2128 TAMU
Texas A&M Univ.
College Station, TX 77843-2128

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