[Mediawiki-l] Installation help needed

Martin Auer mail at martinauer.net
Tue Sep 12 15:22:38 UTC 2006

Hi all,

tried to install mediawiki 1.6.8 but cannot get beyond this stage:

PHP 4.3.11 installed 
Warning: PHP's register_globals option is enabled. Disable it if you can. 
MediaWiki will work, but your server is more exposed to PHP-based 
security vulnerabilities. 
PHP server API is apache; ok, using pretty URLs (index.php/Page_Title) 
Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support. 
PHP's memory_limit is 64M. If this is too low, installation may fail! 
Have zlib support; enabling output compression. 
Neither Turck MMCache nor eAccelerator are installed, can't use object 
caching functions 
GNU diff3 not found.
Found GD graphics library built-in, image thumbnailing will be enabled if 
you enable uploads. 
Installation directory: /home/froozle/yopedia.froozle.net/docs/wiki 
Script URI path: /wiki 
Environment checked. You can install MediaWiki. 
Warning: $wgSecretKey key is insecure, generated with mt_rand(). 
Consider changing it manually. 
Generating configuration file...

Database type: mysql 
PHP is linked with old MySQL client libraries. If you are using a MySQL 4.1 
server and have problems connecting to the database, see 
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html for help. 
Attempting to connect to database server as froozle...success. 
Connected to 4.0.24_Debian-4woody1 
Database froozle_yopedia exists 
There are already MediaWiki tables in this database. Checking if updates 
are needed... 
[List of tables follows]

I am not sure what else should follow. Anyway, although I set config folder 
to world writeable the LocalSettings.php does not get created.

I am stuck.

Thanks for helping


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