[Mediawiki-l] MediaWiki-Based Issue Tracker

Tom Purl tom at tompurl.com
Fri Sep 1 20:07:25 UTC 2006

Hi, I've used quite a few wikis in the past but am new to MediaWiki. Any help
you can give me with my question would be greatly appreciated.

I am migrating my MoinMoin wiki to MediaWiki.  The main reason that I use the
MoinMoin wiki is because I have thrown together a rudimentary issue tracker
within it.  Here's basically how it works:

* Each "ticket" is represented by a single wiki page that uses a
particular prefix in its name
* Each ticket contains tags that denote its status, which is something like
    * StatusOpen
    * StatusClosed
    * StatusPendingDefect
* The main page for this issue tracker, which is itself a wiki page, contains
macros that allow me to display a "dashboard" of every single ticket based on
its status.  Here's basically what it looks like:

    Browse Issues

    Open Issues
    1. IssueTracker/This Is Issue A
    2. IssueTracker/This Is Issue B

    Pending Defect
    1. IssueTracker/This is yet another issue

    Closed Issues
    1. IssueTracker/Thank goodness that there are closed issues

* This dashboard view is dynamic.  If I create a new wiki page prefaced by
"IssueTracker/" and tag it with "StatusOpen", it will automatically appear
under the "Open Issues" header.

This page is not available on the internet, but I basically ripped it off
the http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/MoinMoinBugs page.

So my first question is, is there a plugin like this available for MediaWiki
with which anyone is familiar?

If not, then I have a second question.  I was able to implement all of this
(which ain't too bad in my opinion) using the concept of MoinMoin macros,
are executable functions that you can embed in a wiki page.  Is there similar
functionality available within MediaWiki?

Thanks in advance for all of the help!

Tom Purl

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