[Mediawiki-l] Twiki or Wiki???

Nicholas Buttle nicholas_buttle at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 22 21:38:02 UTC 2006


Overall I'm happier with the mediawiki system than the
Twiki.  But I'm being asked to investigate the Twiki
system as the powers that be think it will be better
as a corporate knowledgebase (more control over user
access and better suited to a categorised information
resource).  What I would like to know is...

How much control can the admin exert over user access
to pages?  ie can certain pages be locked down once
they have been created?

And, can I create something with mediawiki that has
the categorisation of the Twiki system?  I thought
about modifying the navigate menu to correspond to the
'webs' menu on twiki...

Any suggestions welcome.



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