[Mediawiki-l] When using LOCK TABLES??

Michael D. Peters michael.peters at lazarusalliance.com
Wed Nov 8 16:00:34 UTC 2006

I would like to relocate my current wiki to another system. I am not
having luck moving the database.

I run this command:

# mysqldump --user root --password=password horsewiki > horsewiki.sql
mysqldump: Got error: 1146: Table 'horsewiki.archive' doesn't exist when

#mysql -h localhost -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 6760 to server version: 5.0.20a-max-log

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> use horsewiki
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_horsewiki   |
| archive               |
| categorylinks         |
| externallinks         |
| hitcounter            |
| horse_archive         |
| horse_categorylinks   |
| horse_externallinks   |
| horse_filearchive     |
| horse_hitcounter      |
| horse_image           |
| horse_imagelinks      |
| horse_interwiki       |
| horse_ipblocks        |
| horse_ipblocks_old    |
| horse_job             |
| horse_langlinks       |
| horse_logging         |
| horse_math            |
| horse_objectcache     |
| horse_oldimage        |
| horse_page            |
| horse_pagelinks       |
| horse_querycache      |
| horse_querycache_info |
| horse_recentchanges   |
| horse_revision        |
| horse_searchindex     |
| horse_site_stats      |
| horse_templatelinks   |
| horse_text            |
| horse_trackbacks      |
| horse_transcache      |
| horse_user            |
| horse_user_groups     |
| horse_user_newtalk    |
| horse_validate        |
| horse_watchlist       |
| image                 |
| imagelinks            |
| interwiki             |
| ipblocks              |
| job                   |
| logging               |
| math                  |
| objectcache           |
| oldimage              |
| page                  |
| pagelinks             |
| querycache            |
| recentchanges         |
| revision              |
| searchindex           |
| site_stats            |
| templatelinks         |
| text                  |
| trackbacks            |
| transcache            |
| user                  |
| user_groups           |
| user_newtalk          |
| validate              |
| watchlist             |
62 rows in set (0.00 sec)


I don't really know if "horsewiki.archive" is the same thing as

Anyone have an idea? Maybe another way to move a database?
Best regards,


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