[Mediawiki-l] Questions about upgrade from 1.4.15

Will Saxon WillS at housing.ufl.edu
Wed Jun 28 21:27:01 UTC 2006


I have a 1.4.15 installation that I would like to upgrade to 1.5 or
1.6. I am having difficulty with the update.php script.

I am able to convert my existing database to UTF-8, however when I run
the update.php script I get an error about there not being a table
named 'text.' I can take the table definition from the tables.sql
file, create the 'text' table by hand and then the update.php script
will complete successfully. The problem is that after I do this my
wiki appears empty. 

It was suggested on the #mediawiki irc channel that I have a corrupt
database from a prior botched upgrade. This is certainly possible,
although I thought we started our wiki with the 1.4.x series and I do
not remember specifics about any previous database conversion.

What can I do to successfully upgrade this wiki? At this point I am
wondering if my only option is to use the Special:Export capability
and use that to create a 'new' wiki.

The current version works fine, but I just had a situation come up
where the static HTML export would have been _really_ nice. 



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