[Mediawiki-l] Ontology import

Mei Wu mwu.mailbox at gmail.com
Sun Jul 16 01:11:45 UTC 2006

Hi all!

I am trying to import Ontologies into Mediawiki. I downloaded a couple of
ontologies from the web in .rdf format and imported them using the "Import
ontologies" Special page. However, every time I hit Import an error message
appears (see below).
I am running MediaWiki 1.6.7 and SemanticMediaWiki extension I also
added the rdfapi-php to the SemanticMediaWiki "libs" folder. It looks like
the .php script is not recognized but I do not really know what the problem

Does anybody has experiences with importing ontologies and have an idea what
the cause of this problem might be?

Thank you very much!



* * @package sparql */ class SparqlClient extends Object { var $server; var
$output; /** * Constructor of SparlClient. * * @param String $server server
address. */ function SparqlClient($server){ $this->server = $server;
$this->output = "array"; } /** * Sets the output format for a SELECT or ASK
query. Possible formats are "xml" for * Sparql Query Results XML Format (
http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-XMLres/) or array * for the format described
in our SparqlEngine. * * @param String $format the format. */ function
setOutputFormat($format){ if(strtolower($format)=="xml") $this->output =
"xml"; if(strtolower($format)=="array") $this->output = "array"; } /** *
Main function of SparqlClient. * * @param ClientQuery $query the ClientQuery
object. * @return mixed returns an array that contains the variables an
their bindings or a MemModel * */ function query($query){
if(!is_a($query,"ClientQuery")) die;//ErrorHandling $url =
$this->_buildurl($query); $result = $this->_http_get($url); return
$this->returnResult($result); } /** * Helper function that builds the url. *
* @param ClientQuery $query the ClientQuery Object. */ function
_buildurl($query){ $url = ""; $url =
$this->server."?query=".urlencode($query->query); foreach($query->default as
$defaultg){ $url = $url."&default-graph-uri=".$defaultg; }
foreach($query->named as $namedg){ $url = $url."&named-graph-uri=".$namedg;
} return $url; } /** * Returns the query result. * * @param String $result
the result. * @return mixed */ function returnResult($result){
if(strpos($result,"generateModel(substr($result,strpos($result,"output ==
"xml"){ $pos = strpos($result,"output == "array"){ // $pos =
strpos($buffer,"parseResult($result); } return $result; } function
$parser = new SparqlResultParser(); return $parser->parse($buffer); } /** *
Executes the GET Request. * * @param String $url the url. * @return String
result. */ function _http_get($url) { $url = parse_url($url); $port =
isset($url['port']) ? $url['port'] : 80; $fp = fsockopen($url['host'],
$port); $replace = $url['path']; fputs($fp, "GET
".$replace."?".$url['query']." HTTP/1.0\n"); fputs($fp, "Host:".
$url['host']." \r\n"); fputs($fp, "Accept: text/html \r\n"); fputs($fp,
"Connection: close\n\n"); $buffer = ""; while ($tmp = fread($fp, 1024)) {
$buffer .= $tmp; } // return $buffer; $pos = strpos($buffer," * * @package
sparql */ class ClientQuery extends Object { var $default = array(); var
$named = array(); var $prefixes = array(); var $query; /** * Adds a default
graph to the query object. * * @param String $default default graph name */
function addDefaultGraph($default){ if(!in_array($named,$this->default))
$this->default[] = $default; } /** * Adds a named graph to the query object.
* * @param String $default named graph name */ function
addNamedGraph($named){ if(!in_array($named,$this->named)) $this->named[] =
$named; } /** * Adds the SPARQL query string to the query object. * * @param
String $query the query string */ function query($query){ $this->query =
$query; } } ?>
error message---------------------------------

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