[Mediawiki-l] statistics page showing 0 content pages

Hugh Prior mediawiki at localpin.com
Sat Jul 8 17:14:21 UTC 2006

Gave it a whirl.  I don't know if this is buggy new code or problems at my 
end, but I still a few problems:
1) Calculation seems to give wrong figure
2) The update doesn't seem to update

Just to note that I needed to add the following to my 1.5.7 

 * Array of namespaces which can be deemed to contain valid "content", as 
 * as the site statistics are concerned. Useful if additional namespaces 
 * contain "content" which should be considered when generating a count of 
 * number of articles in the wiki.
 * COPIED FROM v1.7.0
$wgContentNamespaces = array( NS_MAIN );

I have put it so you can run it from the URL:


page table: 1515 records
pagelinks table: 8884 records

What does page table and pagelinks table hold?

"Rob Church" <robchur at gmail.com> wrote in 
message news:e92136380607080727h7224c160tbd00a5363f620289 at mail.gmail.com...
> On 08/07/06, Hugh Prior 
> <mediawiki at localpin.com> wrote:
> Looks like some odd bug. Check the value of
> site_stats.ss_good_articles. If it's zero, then grab the
> updateArticleCount script from 1.7+ and give it a whirl.
> Rob Church 

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