[Mediawiki-l] Password reminder / E-mail notfication: wrong mail from sender e-mail address

Alex Olinger alex at olinger.net
Sat Feb 4 13:19:03 UTC 2006


sorry, if this question was posted and answered over and over again;  
I did google for it quite heavily and didn't find a glue:

- mediawiki soft: version 1.5.5
- server soft: Mac OS 10.4.4 server

The users using my experimental wiki http://wiki.ltett.lu are getting  
password reminders or other e-mail notifications with a wrong "mail  
from" / reply-to e-mail address, www at comett.ltettdomain.ltett.lu,  
though the localsettings.php file has got the two lines
$wgEmergencyContact = "alex at olinger.net";
$wgPasswordSender	= "alex at olinger.net";

This is causing problems, as the domain name used isn't technically  
correct and mail got rejected by some mail servers checking the  
domain name in the "mail from" SMTP command.
I want to put my own e-mail address in the mails sent from the  
mediawiki soft.

Any ideas how this could be set up correctly?

Best regards,


Alex OLINGER                                     mailto:alex at olinger.net
enseignant d'informatique                    Lycée technique  
Please note: This e-mail is DIGITALLY SIGNED!

A valid digital signature means essentially two things:

-   You can trust the IDENTITY of the sender:
     Yes, it's really Alex Olinger who send you this message!

-   The INTEGRITY of the message is guaranteed:
      Nobody or nothing altered the content of the message after if  
it left my computer.

Unfortunately some mail applications, especially webmail, cannot  
handle digital signatures.

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