[Mediawiki-l] XHTML 1.0 Strict Validation of Mediawiki output

Mathias Schindler neubau at presroi.de
Mon Apr 17 16:16:40 UTC 2006


I've recently checked Mediawikis output for XHTML 1.0 Strict compliance. 
The only error that is occuring all the time is border attribture to the 
wikimedia logo at the bottom of the page.


<strike>I can't remember seeing other validation errors besides this one 
in the W3C validator.</strike>


9 erros.

There seem to be no tickets in the Mediazilla that refer to XHTML strict 

Besides the more or less academic use of having XHTML strict output 
rather than XTHML Transitional, is it actually an achievable goal for 
our kind of output?


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