[Mediawiki-l] Bug in 1.6.3?

Trevor Richardson mibrad at iafrica.com
Tue Apr 11 12:57:42 UTC 2006

Is this big brother "Mediawiki" watching????

-----Original Message-----
From: mediawiki-l-bounces at Wikimedia.org
[mailto:mediawiki-l-bounces at Wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of Malcolm Ross
Kinsella Ryan
Sent: 11 April 2006 10:51 AM
To: mediawiki-l at Wikimedia.org
Subject: [Mediawiki-l] Bug in 1.6.3?

I just installed MediaWiki 1.6.3. It all seems to have gone okay, with 
the exception of an error message at the top of the browser window:

  Warning:  socket_sendto() Host lookup failed [-10001]: Unknown host in
  wiki/includes/GlobalFunctions.php on line 1504

I checked out the offending line, and it appears to be trying to open a
socket to a machine called "webster" to do some kinds of statistics logging.
I commented the line out and everything seems to work just fine.

What's going on here? 


Malcolm Ryan - malcolmr at cse.unsw.edu.au -

     "The act of defending any of the cardinal virtues has today all
      the exhilaration of a vice." 
                                    - G.K.Chesterton A Defense of Humility
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