[Mediawiki-l] Media-Wiki: using classes as defined in Wikipedia in my own media-wiki project

Wolfgang Zsalcsik wolfgang.zsalcsik at space.at
Mon Sep 12 18:38:40 UTC 2005

Hi folks,

I am using Media-Wiki for a small "Intranet" (info-pages)

When using templates (especially infoboxes), 
I would like to format them using classes.

Reading both, the Media-Wiki and the Wikipedia documentation back
and forth, I could not find, where they are defined. 
(example: class="infobox" at the beginning of almost all 
          Wikipedia infobox-typed templates)
My assumption was to find them in the main.css or monobook.css,
but this was not the case.

My questions:
- where are/shall these classes be defined?
- is it allowed to just get/copy them from Wikipedia?

I am grateful for every helpful reply,
                           ( o o )
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  Wolfgang ZSALCSIK
  Design Engineer - Electrical Design

  Stachegasse 16 
  A-1120 Vienna, AUSTRIA / EUROPE

  Tel.  :   +43-1-80199/5550
  Fax   :   +43-1-80199/5577
  E-Mail:   wolfgang.zsalcsik at space.at
  Internet: http://www.space.at 

  This email is for information only!

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