[Mediawiki-l] I just don't get the apache setup

Rick DeNatale rick.denatale at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 19:20:12 UTC 2005

I've just moved from Redhat to Ubuntu. I'm now using Apache2.  I got
wiki to where it was working without any rewriting and using url's of
the form


I had it installed in the wiki subdirectory of the virtual hosts document root

I then tried to once again "prettify" the urls, and to separate w from
wiki as described in
Using the Alias statements instead of rewrite rules

Now I can't make it work.  I'm confused as to where I want to name the
physical install path, should it be w or wiki. Since the Aliases seem
to be going from /wiki... to /installpath/w...  I think that it should
be in /var/www/w which is where I've put it.

THe only thing which semi works is if I use a url like

but thats broken, it looks like it isn't getting the style sheets.
The Apache error log contains:
[Wed Jul 13 15:04:07 2005] [error] [client] File does
not exist: /var/www/wiki, referer:

Here's what I have in my Virtual server:

<VirtualHost *>
        ServerAdmin webmaster at mercuryspacecraft.com
        ServerName www.mercuryspacecraft.com
        DocumentRoot /var/www
        AcceptPathInfo on

        Alias /wiki/stylesheets /var/www/w/stylesheets
        Alias /wiki/style /var/www/w/style
        Alias /wiki/images /var/www/w/images
        Alias /wiki/skins /var/www/w/skins
        Alias /wiki/redirect.php /var/www/w/redirect.php
        Alias /wiki/textvc.php /var/www/w/textvc.php
        Alias /wiki/index.php /var/www/w/index.php
        Alias /wiki /var/www/w


And the relevant parts of my LocalSettings.php

$wgScriptPath       = "/wiki";
$wgScript           = "$wgScriptPath/index.php";
$wgRedirectScript   = "$wgScriptPath/redirect.php";

$wgArticlePath      = "$wgScript?title=$1";

Any  ideas?

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