[Mediawiki-l] "old mySQL" versions message during install of v1.5.2

D B dkbyrne at gmail.com
Sat Dec 24 19:36:58 UTC 2005

I seem to be having a similar problem installing MediaWiki 1.5.4 on
Mac OS X 10.3.9 with Mysql 5.0.17, Apache 1.3.29 and PHP-4.3.11 (as
was recommended by

I can't seem to resolve the "You are using MySQL 4.1 server, but PHP
is linked to old client libraries" error message:

MediaWiki 1.5.4 installation
Please include all of the lines below when reporting installation problems.
Checking environment...
* PHP 4.3.11: ok
* PHP server API is apache; ok, using pretty URLs (index.php/Page_Title)
* Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support.
* PHP is configured with no memory_limit.
* Have zlib support; enabling output compression.
* Neither Turck MMCache nor eAccelerator are installed, can't use
object caching functions
* GNU diff3 not found.
* Found ImageMagick: /usr/local/bin/convert; image thumbnailing will
be enabled if you enable uploads.
* Installation directory: /Users/David/Sites/wiki
* Script URI path: /~David/wiki
* PHP is linked with old MySQL client libraries. If you are  using a
MySQL 4.1 server and have problems connecting to the database,  see
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html for help.
* Trying to connect to MySQL on localhost as root...
* Connected as root (automatic)
* Connected to 5.0.17-standard; enabling MySQL 4 enhancements; You are
using MySQL 4.1 server, but PHP is linked to old client libraries; if
you have trouble with authentication, see 
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html for help.
* Created database wikidb
* Creating tables... using MySQL 3/4 table defs... done.
* Initializing data...
* Granting user permissions...
Wiki has a problem
Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties.
Try waiting a few minutes and reloading.
(Can't contact the database server: )

I've tried using the information provided via the link to
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html, but without avail. 
A link on that page directs me to http://www.php.net/mysqli.  The only
way I could think to use this info was to try at the terminal:

cd /usr/local/mysql-standard-5.0.17-osx10.3-powerpc/
.configure --with-mysqli=/Library/MySQL/bin/mysql_config

...though that's probably not right since I get...

NOTE: This is a MySQL binary distribution. It's ready to run, you don't
need to configure it!

Any suggestions would be most helpful.  Thanks!

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