[Mediawiki-l] Install categorylinks SQL error

John R. Owens jowens.wiki at ghiapet.homeip.net
Mon Aug 1 17:16:51 UTC 2005

Using MediaWiki 1.4.7, MySQL 4.1.13, Apache 2.0.54, PHP 4.4.0, on a
FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE box, the first time I installed went fairly smoothly.
Then I realized that the installation had wiped out the cur table I'd
already inserted, and the way the new MySQL is, that meant it was
sitting around empty yet using up 8GB of space I had better uses for. So
eventually, not being a real MySQL expert, I just rm -rf the MySQL db
directory, recreate it and repop it with everything but the wiki
databases, and go back to wiki/config/index.php. This time the
installation didn't work; I get these messages, just fine up until the end:

# PHP 4.4.0: ok
# PHP server API is apache2handler; ok, using pretty URLs
# Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support.
# PHP's memory_limit is 8M. If this is too low, installation may fail!
Attempting to raise limit to 20M... ok.
# Have zlib support; enabling output compression.
# Turck MMCache not installed, can't use object caching functions
# Found ImageMagick: /usr/local/bin/convert; image thumbnailing will be
enabled if you enable uploads.
# Found GD graphics library built-in.
# Installation directory: /usr/local/www/mediawiki
# Script URI path:
# Connected as root (automatic)
# Connected to database... 4.1.13-log; enabling MySQL 4 enhancements
# Created database wikidb
# Creating tables...Query "CREATE TABLE categorylinks ( cl_from int(8)
unsigned NOT NULL default '0', cl_to varchar(255) binary NOT NULL
default '', cl_sortkey varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
cl_timestamp timestamp NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY cl_from(cl_from,cl_to), KEY
cl_sortkey(cl_to,cl_sortkey(128)), KEY cl_timestamp(cl_to,cl_timestamp)
)" failed with error code "Specified key was too long; max key length is
1000 bytes".

The only thing that comes to mind that I did differently when redoing
the MySQL database was that I told it to use UTF8 as the default
character set & collation; I suppose that might possibly affect the
number of bytes in the key? Or is there some other reason behind this?
Oh, and if I reload the page, I get much the same, except there are
messages saying tables already exist before the real error comes around.

Also, while I'm at it, from what I understand, PHP eAccelerator is
supposed to be the successor to Turck MMCache, but it doesn't seem to be
detected and considered equivalent. Is this typical, or did I perhaps
not install eAccelerator right, too?

John R. Owens
ProofReading Markup Language: http://prml.sourceforge.net/
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