[Mediawiki-l] mysqldump - no permission to backup (and a knoppix issue)

Jordi Domingo jordidr at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 15:07:19 UTC 2005

Hello everybody! I am creating my wiki but I need to present my
progress regularly to my project's heads. I can mail the .php, but the
content of the page and other thing are by DB. So, I read
Documentation::Administration, and I decide to make a dump of the DB
('Backing up data: Creating a database dump') and recuperate it in my
bosses' computer (following 'Importing the database dump').

I go to /opt/lampp/bin (I use Xampp) and ./mysql . Then 'use wikidb',
I try 'select * from cur where cur_namespace='Portada';' and all
right... but trying

./mysqldump --user=wikiuser --password=mypassword \wikidb > wiki-volcatdb-1.txt


./mysqldump: Got error: 1044: Access denied for user
'wikiuser'@'localhost' to database 'wikidb' when using LOCK TABLES

In localsettings.php I have:

$wgDBserver         = "localhost";
$wgDBname           = "wikidb";
$wgDBuser           = "wikiuser";
$wgDBpassword       = "mypassword";
$wgDBprefix         = "";

I installed from root...I don't have permissions in the DB??

By the way, I am trying to work from home using Knoppix; I have read
that I can modify permissions and so write in disk, but it's
reasonable to work with Wikipedia and Xampp using Knoppix liveCD?

Thanks in advance


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