[Mediawiki-l] Moving Database

Peter Gerdes logicnazi at gmail.com
Wed Sep 22 16:45:11 UTC 2004

So I am trying to move my mediawiki installation from one server to
another on my hosting company.  Right now it is at invariant.org/media
and I am trying to move it to wikirpg.com/wiki

Anyway, I've copied the database and reinstalled the wiki and all the
text and everything is there but all the UI bells and whistles are
gone.  Everything is back to being just plain text.  I imagine this is
because I am missing some required component on the new server that
was on the old server, however, I can't figure out what this might be.

Anyone know what I might be missing that causes this lack of UI.  If
my description is unclear feel free to check out how it looks yourself
(www.wikirpg.com/wiki just don't actually use the wiki as it will be
replaced by the real db backup again).


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