[Mediawiki-api] Creating an Extension for my thesaurus

Kathleen Borja jane88borj at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 28 08:57:25 UTC 2009

Platonides <platonides <at> gmail.com> writes:
> Yes, it is right.
> You create a really light Thesaurus.php that is run on every page view,
> and a bigger file SpecialThesaurus.php which is only loaded when
> Special:Thesaurus is requested.
> You would add the form elements into SpecialThesaurus.php, at the
> execute method. You can change the $wgOut->addHTML() to show whatever do
> want.
> You don't need to hardcode the html, though. You can use Xml::Element()
> for that.

Thanks for the response. Now, I have a clearer picture on what I'll be putting
on those files especially on the SpecialThesaurus.php file to where the major
elements are placed. And also, I now know that there is no need to hardcode the
html for I can use the Xml::Element()although I am not yet familiar with the xml
tags. I'll read tutorials on xml.

	> On $wgOut->addHTML()
	  - You said that I can change $wgOut->addHTML() to show whatever I want. So,
what are the things that need to be considered so that I can use
$wgOut->addHTML()? Is there syntax to be followed for making it?
	> How can I test if my SpecialThesaurus.php is working? Is it like typing the
URL (http://localhost/wikibits/index.php/Special:Thesaurus) in the address bar? 
	> I wanted to create a new tab for the SpecialThesaurus page. Where and how can
I create it so that it will be included among the page menu tabs -
page,dicussion,edit,history, delete, move, etc? What is the proper page to where
I can put it or shall I create also a new special page for it?

	> Also, I can hardly connect to database `wikidb`. Maybe there's already a
pre-defined function for it.I just can't find it.

	> Is it okey if I let you check the necessary files if I finished making them?
Thanks. (^_^)
P.S. I'm sorry if I piled up my questions.. Maybe it can be a harsh on you.

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