[Maps-l] ptolemy performance

Peter Körner osm-lists at mazdermind.de
Fri Nov 26 09:14:55 UTC 2010

Am 26.11.2010 09:32, schrieb Thomas Ineichen:
> On a side note:
> bw-noicons  needs  double  the  time  for rendering as osm-no-lables -
> shouldn't they be more-a-less equal in cpu-time?
Yes I also had the feeling that the bw styles need very long to render 
but I don't have any idea why.

> [The following is only about 'full'-styles]
> Looking at Zoom 12:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=49.4592&lon=10.9644&zoom=12&layers=M
> Do we really need a weekly update on that zoom? What you can see is:
> - main streets (secondary and up) and trains
> - forests and fields
> - names of villages and cities
> IMHO those things don't change often enough to let them jam the queue.
> Rendering them once a month would be ok.

The dirty plans (which zoom and when) were wrong, I see that now. 
Currently I'm re-marking every tile in z0-12 as clean. I want the tirex 
to catch up again. Then we can discuss how to go on for that. Kai 
Krueger has found some issues with the dirty section in the load-next 
script as well. I don't have time to work on these things but as osm is 
a MMP this should not be a problem ;)

> Secondly:
> Is  it  correct,  that  tiles  never  get  deleted? So every tile gets
> rerendered  according  to the timetable, no matter if it was requested
> from  a  user  during that period or not? So maybe a deletion strategy
> would be handy..
Deleting is remove any fallback. Deleting a tile is never a solution. We 
don't render tiles after the timetable (except z0-6) but mark them as 
dirty. They'll get rerendered when accessed next time via mod_tile 
(while mod_tile serves out the old tile from disk).


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