[Maps-l] How to connect renderd to own renderer?

Kay Drangmeister kay at drangmeister.net
Wed Jun 30 15:58:57 UTC 2010


I wrote a render script that (similar to the compositing that
hike&bike map does) does things that mapnik is not capable of.

My script is written in python and can render bboxes into
arbitrarily sized images, as well is able to serve tiles
(e.g. http:localhost/bla.../12/345/678.png)

However it is probably the utmost slow renderer there is,
it takes about 3 minutes for a simple tile. (Which is ok, because
it's experimental only at the time. :))

How can I make renderd (or tirex, or tilecache) call that
script, I found no documentation on that. I want to create
metatiles of course, too, because I have a thin lines of garbage
at the tile boundaries.

Can you please give me a hint/link on how/where to start?

Thanks a lot,

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