[Maps-l] WMDE to buy servers

Tels nospam-abuse at bloodgate.com
Fri Apr 24 06:31:24 UTC 2009

On Thursday 23 April 2009 23:47:56 Daniel Kinzler wrote:
> Tels schrieb:
> > Just one question I couldn't read the answer out of your post:
> >
> > Will it be possible to get access to the OSM API via http to that
> > toolserver (just like http://api.openstreetmap.org)?
> The answer is yes/no/maybe. It's pretty much up to you (or more
> precisely, Avar for now) what will be installed there. Some kind of
> web api to some kind of data is likely to be there at some point,
> yes. But as far as I know, no public services are yet planned. The
> services available will be the services users supply.

My question was a bit confusing as I was sleep deprived :)

What I mean is:

* Would it possible to install/set up/maintain a deamon/script/whatever 
on the toolserver, that can:

A: talk to the database directly (f.i. retrieve the XML)
B: generate tiles/whatever from it? (f.i. generate gzipped JSON)
C: server these then to the public?

I gather that will be possible, with the exception it must be WP related 
(not just OSM related I guess :)

My question is because I currently run a proxy server that does the 
above, except in A: it talks to http://api.openstreetmap.org (and other 
liekwise servers), and all these servers are soo slow that the user 
must suffer wait times of several minutes up to hours, depending on 
which area he looks at.

So either getting access via http:// to something like 
api.osm.toolserver.org (as alternative to api.openstreetmap.org), OR 
running the proxy server directly on the toolserver (so it can talk to 
the database in the background directly, bypassing the expensive 
XML-generation and be generally much faster) would be very cool.

My AJAX map application could then use that proxy, and show interesting 
map features highlighted. (it can't do that currently, but that is 
rather easy to add and planned, anyway :)

I am not afraid of writing the software, or setting up/maintaining it (I 
do that already anyway).

But I am not able to do admin tasks on the toolserver, manage user 
accounts etc. (due to time limits, sorry :)

All the best,


 Signed on Fri Apr 24 08:23:59 2009 with key 0x93B84C15.
 View my photo gallery: http://bloodgate.com/photos
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 "I live the way I type; fast, with a lot of mistakes."

  -- Unknown
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