[Maps-l] What's being done and what needs doing?

Christian Becker chris at beckr.org
Wed Apr 8 11:56:42 UTC 2009

I will have a go at the SlippyMap; expect some results early next week.
I wanted to pass around the link to the DBpedia downloads where you  
can find the Wikipedia geodata [1]. The related extractor code is at  
We'll also have our live extraction back up soon where we could  
provide an update stream.



[1] http://wiki.dbpedia.org/Downloads32
[2] http://dbpedia.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/dbpedia/extraction/extractors/GeoExtractor.php?revision=511&view=markup

On Apr 8, 2009, at 1:34 PM, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:

> Firstly it's great to see so much interest in this project, we now
> have approx. 60 subscribers to this mailing list just a few days after
> it poofed into existence.
> What's the current status of the new boxes Wikimedia-DE is donating,
> and more importantly, do we have people interested in setting up the
> required infrastructure there? I.e. the Planet.osm -> DB -> Mapnik
> tile generation process? Someone at the hacking days volunteered to do
> mapnik stuff but I forget whether we had a DB admin yet.
> Anyway, what I've been working on is the MediaWiki related stuff
> mentioned in the techblog:
> http://techblog.wikimedia.org/2009/04/openstreetmap-maps-will-be-added-to-wikimedia-projects/
> I started by hacking the SlippyMap so that it supports multiple maps  
> per page:
>    http://u.nix.is/phase3/index.php?title=Slippy_Test
> It's still somewhat hacky, e.g. it duplicates the whole OpenLayers
> template for each map.
> Could someone more familiar with OpenLayers please refactor it so that
> it's possible to just call a function to include the map, something
> like:
>    <script type="text/javascript">include_slippymap( lat, lon, zoom,
> ....)</script><noscript><img
> src="http://static.map/lat/lon/zoom</noscript>
> I'm not asking for the *extension* to be edited (although that would
> be great), just fore a HTML/JS example.
> Note that this is probably easier in OpenLayers trunk due to
> OpenLayers.Layer.OSM being included now:
>    http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/1950
> (But I don't know if we want to run OpenLayers trunk)
> There are also some more OpenLayers-related issues on the wiki page
> for the extension:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Slippy_Map_MediaWiki_Extension#Known_issues_.2F_ideas
> In particular the Attribution issue & snapping to lat/lon 0/0.
> And it it enough to have the alternate static map inside <noscript>?
> Does this work on all the odd browsers out there that we want to
> support? If so that'll make everything else much easier.
> As for the static map this is how the Export tab on the OSM site  
> does it:
>    http://trac.openstreetmap.org/browser/sites/rails_port_branches/api06/app/controllers/export_controller.rb#L19
> I.e. it redirects to the cgi-bin/export script on the tileserver,
> which is a python program which renders directly from the database:
>    http://svn.openstreetmap.org/sites/tile.openstreetmap.org/cgi-bin/export
> For example:
>   http://tile.openstreetmap.org/cgi-bin/export?bbox=-18.1343,65.676,-18.0711,65.6948&scale=27500&format=png
> Except on Wednesday you'll see an empty map (only coastline) if you
> look at that, since the osm2pgsql import is running on the tileserver.
> I don't know whether that's something that's a problem we could hack
> around in our own setup while updating the Planet mirror, maybe by
> keeping two database copies. Or maybe by just creating static maps
> from the tiles themselves instead, although they'll still have this
> problem if an area that hasn't been pre-rendered is requested, OSM
> itself is serving 404.png for tiles where that's the case since it's a
> Wednesday.
> In any case we need lat/lon/zoom to bbox/scale to use that script as- 
> is.
> What else needs be done/hacked up and who's interested in doing it?
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