[Labs-l] [Labs-announce] [DONE] We are removing inactive projects.

Andrew Bogott abogott at wikimedia.org
Sat Oct 8 15:36:36 UTC 2016

This cleanup is now complete. We freed the following resources:

27 projects (12.5% of total projects)
49 instances (7% of all instances labs-wide)
87 virtual CPUs (5% of all used)
172.5 GiB of allocated RAM (5% of all allocated RAM)

In addition to the things that I removed according to the formal 
process, many other instances were voluntarily cleared from active 
projects as a result of my prompting, so the actual savings are quite a 
bit larger than the numbers reported above.

Thanks for everyone's help and patience with this process!  The Labs 
team will probably institute a formal, recurring (most likely annual) 
reclamation process like this one to prevent the future backlog from 
getting so big.  I welcome your comments, both positive and negative, 
about how this went.


On 10/5/16 10:31 AM, Andrew Bogott wrote:
> Update:
> It's a month later, and I'm going to start deleting instances in 
> unclaimed projects.  Here is the list of projects subject to deletion:
> <https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Purge_2016#SHUTDOWN_wlmjurytool>cuos
> cvresearch
> experiment
> fatg
> ganglia
> glam
> icinga
> mediawiki-docker
> mwreview
> netflow
> nginx
> opengrok
> oxygenguide
> popcorn
> pubsubhubbub
> safesandbox
> structured-wikiquote
> tool-renewal
> ve-languagetoolwikibrain
> wikidata-quality
> wlmjurytool
> Please speak up NOW if you need any of those projects preserved.
> -Andrew
> On 8/30/16 10:19 AM, Andrew Bogott wrote:
>> Update:
>> There are still 30 projects that remain unclaimed on 
>> https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Purge_2016.
>> I've emailed the admins of each of these projects directly. If I 
>> don't hear anything I will start to shut down instances on Thursday.
>> Many thanks to the vast majority of admins who provided me with 
>> prompt and useful feedback about project preservation and cleanup!
>> -Andrew
>> On 7/8/16 11:09 AM, Andrew Bogott wrote:
>>> If you are exclusively a user of tool labs, you can ignore this 
>>> email.  If you use or administer another labs project, this email 
>>> We are reclaiming unused resources due to an ongoing shortage.
>>> Visit this page and add a signature under projects you know to be 
>>> active:
>>> https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Purge_2016
>>> Associated wmflabs.org <http://wmflabs.org> domains are included to 
>>> identify projects by offered services.
>>> We are not investigating why projects are needed at this time.  If 
>>> one person votes to preserve then we will do so in this round of 
>>> cleanup.
>>> In a month, projects and associated instances not claimed will be 
>>> suspended or shutdown.  A month later if no one complains these 
>>> projects will be deleted..
>>> - Andrew (on behalf of all Labs Admins everywhere) 

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