[Labs-l] Labs privacy policy questions

Zhou Zhou zzhou at wikimedia.org
Tue Mar 15 20:29:53 UTC 2016

Hi Pine,

Thank you for bringing this up.

By interstitial, I assume you are referring to the privacy policy blurb
that appears here <https://metrics.wmflabs.org/policy> (and also as noted
on the Labs TOU).

The interstitial is there to provide notice to end users of WMF Labs
projects that the projects are (usually) not developed and controlled by
WMF but by individual members of our community. As such, the disclaimer
warns users that the standard WMF TOU/privacy policy are no longer
applicable and empowers users to make educated decision about how others
might use their data.

Having said that, I understand there might be concerns on the way we
present this issue to the end user in the interstitial. We will look into
how we can better direct lab developers to draft a clearer privacy policy.
If you have specific suggestions in clarifications you would like to see,
please send them my way. We will also look into incorporating into the next
draft of the Labs TOU your point about real-world consequences for misuse
of data.

With respect to Wikimetrics, we also plan on modifying its privacy policy
to address your concerns and clarify on how the data is being used instead
of relying on the standard interstitial.

Let me know if you have any questions.



On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 2:19 PM, Michelle Paulson <mpaulson at wikimedia.org>

> [+Zhou as he is handling Labs TOU issues (but he and I will coordinate
> offline on privacy aspects of proposed changes as needed)]
> On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 6:30 PM, Pine W <wiki.pine at gmail.com> wrote:
>> From this conversation, I'm having trouble figuring out why Wikimetrics
>> would have that interstitial on it. Amanda, do you know why that
>> interstital is there?
>> Speaking generally, I would like to suggest to Michelle that
>> clarification on the interstitial warnings and in the Labs TOU would be
>> helpful, as well as an amendment to the Labs TOU that outlines real-world
>> possibilities for legal consequences for mishandling or misuse of private
>> data that's obtained in Labs.
>> Thanks,
>> Pine


Zhou Zhou
Legal Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation
149 New Montgomery Street, 6th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
zzhou at wikimedia.org

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