[Labs-l] role::labs::vagrant deprecated; use role::labs::mediawiki_vagrant instead

Bryan Davis bd808 at wikimedia.org
Wed Oct 7 23:35:48 UTC 2015

I have recently removed role::labs::vagrant from the default list of
roles that can be applied to a new instance in Labs. Instances that
already had this role applied are unchanged, but going forward
role::labs::mediawiki_vagrant should be used instead for setting up
new MediaWiki-Vagrant managed wikis in Labs. See the prior Labs-L
announcement of role::labs::mediawiki_vagrant [0] or the help page on
Wikitech [1] for a description of the new role and it's benefits.

I don't have a sexy automated migration plan for anyone wishing to
migrate an existing labs-vagrant manged wiki to the new method. My
best advice is to follow the instructions at Manual:Moving_a_wiki [2]
to backup your wiki and then restore it to a new Labs instance that
have been setup with role::labs::mediawiki_vagrant. It would be great
if anyone who chooses to do this migration could add documentation on
Wikitech [3] to help others out.

[0]: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.org.wikimedia.labs/3895
[1]: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:MediaWiki-Vagrant_in_Labs
[2]: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki-Vagrant
[3]: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:MediaWiki-Vagrant_in_Labs#Migrate_from_using_role::labs::vagrant

Bryan Davis              Wikimedia Foundation    <bd808 at wikimedia.org>
[[m:User:BDavis_(WMF)]]  Sr Software Engineer            Boise, ID USA
irc: bd808                                        v:415.839.6885 x6855

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