[Labs-l] namespaces

Ricordisamoa ricordisamoa at openmailbox.org
Thu Nov 19 16:06:19 UTC 2015

They're not in the replicas, but under tools.labsdb: see 
https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T50625 for details.

MariaDB [toolserverdb_p]> SELECT * FROM namespace WHERE dbname = 
'abwiki_p' AND ns_id = 4;
| dbname   | domain           | ns_id | ns_name              |
| abwiki_p | ab.wikipedia.org |     4 | Авикипедиа           |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [toolserverdb_p]> SELECT * FROM namespacename WHERE dbname = 
'abwiki_p' AND ns_id = 4;
| dbname   | domain           | ns_id | ns_name              | ns_type   
| ns_is_favorite |
| abwiki_p | ab.wikipedia.org |     4 | Авикипедиа           | primary   
|              1 |
| abwiki_p | ab.wikipedia.org |     4 | Project              | canonical 
|              0 |
| abwiki_p | ab.wikipedia.org |     4 | Wikipedia            | alias     
|              0 |
3 rows in set (0.10 sec)

Or simply use the API as suggested by Chad.

Il 19/11/2015 12:26, Yetkin Sakal ha scritto:
> Are namespaces stored in replica databases? How can we link the 
> page_namespae column in the page table to retrieve the full page name?
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