[Labs-l] Get those small bugs fixed by new contributors: It's Google Code-In time!

Maximilian Doerr maximilian.doerr at gmail.com
Wed Nov 4 19:07:36 UTC 2015

Artcleinfo is suffering from a huge bug that no one can find.  I spent 2 weeks looking at the code and couldn’t find it.  When I managed to get it working on my local installation I applied the fixes and it was still broken.  The code is too convoluted and stationary that it takes a lot of effort to simply get it working else where.  Thank you Hedonil.  As such I can no longer provide the time to maintain these tools as they are poorly documented and too time-consuming for me to fix, and have as such lost interest in their maintainence.

I’m sorry everyone.

English Wikipedia Account Creation Team
Mailing List Moderator

> On Nov 4, 2015, at 13:09, TParis <tparis.wiki at gmail.com> wrote:
> Someone should go through the current edition of X!'s tools and make a list. Could be a great help.   I hear articleinfo had been down for quite some time. 
> Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Note® 4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Andre Klapper <aklapper at wikimedia.org> 
> Date: 11/04/2015 2:37 AM (GMT-10:00) 
> To: labs-l at lists.wikimedia.org 
> Subject: [Labs-l] Get those small bugs fixed by new contributors: It's Google Code-In time! 
> Tool and Labs developers!
> * Do you have small, self-contained, "easy" bugs you'd love to get fixed?
>   (Also see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Annoying_little_bugs )
> * Does the documentation of your tool need improvements?
> * Do your old bugs welcome some testing?
> * Does your user interface have some small design issues?
> * Do you have some tasks that welcome some research?
> Google Code-In (GCI) will take place again in Dec+Jan: a contest for
> 13-17 year old students to provide small contributions to free software
> projects. 
> Wikimedia will apply again to take part in GCI. The more tasks we can
> offer the likelier the changes Wikimedia will get accepted.
> Unsure about quality of contributions and effort?
> Read about tgr's post about Multimedia achievements in GCI 2014:
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/multimedia/2015-January/001009.html
> In short:
> * Add the project "GCI2015" + a comment to Phabricator tasks you'd mentor.
> * Tasks are welcome in five areas: Code; Outreach/Research; 
>   Documentation/Training; Quality Assurance; User Interface.
> * Make sure the task description provides pointers to help the student.
> * Add yourself to the table of mentors on the wikipage.
> * "Beginner tasks" (<30 min for an experienced contributor) also welcome.
> * "Generic" tasks also welcome (e.g. "Fix two user interface messages from
>   the "Blocked By" list in https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T40638 ").
> For all information, check 
> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Google_Code-in_2015#Mentors.27_corner
> Can you imagine providing a helping hand to someone fixing tasks?
> Please ask if you have questions!
> Thank you!
> andre
> -- 
> Andre Klapper | Wikimedia Bugwrangler
> http://blogs.gnome.org/aklapper/
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