[Labs-l] [Labs-announce] [Tools] Announcing cdnjs mirror for toollabs

Yuvi Panda yuvipanda at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 12:58:07 UTC 2015

On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 1:39 PM, Ricordisamoa
<ricordisamoa at openmailbox.org> wrote:
> Il 01/05/2015 10:02, Ricordisamoa ha scritto:
>> Thank you SO MUCH!
>> Out of curiosity, how does it compare to the 'old' static? Is the latter
>> supposed to be deprecated at some point?
> Any answers to this question?

Not sure - the owners of the static tool should respond, maybe? the
CDNJS one is certainly faster than /static was (no NFS dependency).

>> And what about non-iconic fonts? Are there any chances for them in cdnjs?
> And to this one? O:-)

Should be taken up with cdnjs upstream
(https://github.com/cdnjs/cdnjs). I did try to mirror Google's Font
directory (https://github.com/google/fonts/) but that was not easy
enough (plus would need a viewer as well), so I gave up.
https://github.com/alfredxing/brick is a possible alternative but
upstream is just one person and they haven't been active lately. So if
you want fast fonts similar to this, either making an open source easy
to mirror version of google font directory or helping brick might be
the best bet :)

Yuvi Panda T

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