[Labs-l] Toolserver redirects

Ricordisamoa ricordisamoa at openmailbox.org
Sat Jan 3 15:23:49 UTC 2015

Il 31/12/2014 21:59, Marc A. Pelletier ha scritto:
> Hey labs,
> Currently, the largest number of requests hitting toolserver.org (and 
> also the single biggest source of 404s) is at URIs starting with 
> /tiles/ for requests in the form of:
> /tiles/hikebike/8/205/135.png
> Those were not supplied to me in the list of user redirects (I expect 
> because that wasn't a user-configured redirect) and so I don't know 
> where that should lead.
> Anyone can tell me?
> -- Marc
They are supposed to be map tiles.
Search for "toolserver" and "hikebike" in 

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