[Labs-l] queue dead and has been all day

Bryan White bgwhite at gmail.com
Tue Dec 29 23:13:02 UTC 2015

I cannot submit any new jobs because a job that was submitted as "jsub
-once echo "Goodbye!""  is clogging up the system.  Could somebody remove
that and not allow that job to be run.  If run, it appears that job will
remove  "Marc" from the system.  If that is removed, the computers will not
run at maximum efficiency.  That will indeed by sad day when that happens.

Instead, could somebody run "jsub -once echo "Remove Yuvi".  It appears
this "Yuvi"  uses major resources rendering very hi-res models of "My
little ponies".  It also wastes budget resources by buying alot of snacks
and ordering tremendous amounts of herbs from Colorado. I'm at a loss as to
why deleting "Marc" and not "Yuvi" will improve computer efficiency.  :)

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