[Labs-l] Graphite + Charts for Labs

Antoine Musso hashar+wmf at free.fr
Thu Oct 30 10:44:58 UTC 2014

Le 29/10/2014 15:32, Yuvi Panda a écrit :
> Hello!
> Graphite for labs is now available at https://graphite.wmflabs.org.
> Collects a good number of metrics for all instances, and is open to
> everyone. This has been functioning for a while, and has been stable
> enough I don't anticipate too many problems.
> Krinkle also wrote a nice frontend that lets you see some of the data
> on a per-project basis, at https://tools.wmflabs.org/nagf. Would be
> useful for debugging your own instances and seeing status of toollabs
> / betalabs :)
> Suggestions for more metrics to collect also welcome :)

Thank you very much Yuvi and Timo! That is being really helpful.

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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