[Labs-l] Tool labs replicas are missing the indexes?

Marc A. Pelletier marc at uberbox.org
Tue Nov 11 23:12:59 UTC 2014

On 11/11/2014 02:49 PM, Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia wrote:
> It's VERY unfortunate that explain does not work -- how am I supposed to
> debug my queries then? No explain privilege => more unoptimized queries
> => more queries will be killed => more users will be unhappy => less
> people will use the LabsDB. 

It's not a question of privilege, but a change in Mysql to prevent
explanation on views you do not have select for on the underlying table.
 That's an upstream misfeature they do not accept as a bug.

That said, SHOW EXPLAIN does work, for running queries, and IIRC someone
ever wrote a tool to do it for you although I cannot recall what its
name is offhand.

-- Marc

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