[Labs-l] Crontab not working

Bryan White bgwhite at gmail.com
Thu May 1 18:09:25 UTC 2014

Then for pete's sake, tell me what you need instead of ignoring me.
I've given everything Maximilian Doerr did and he was helped.  I've
already given  what my crontab says.  Marc replied to Doerr "and I've
fixed your crontab itself."  I don't know what he did to fix it.
Tool is checkwiki.


> You are giving us zero information to help you and then complaining? How
> about providing the crontab text, tool name and other information needed to
> help debug your issue?

> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 1:49 PM, Bryan White <bgwhite at gmail.com> wrote:

>> Could I please get some help.  It has been 12 hours since my email
>> with no response.
>> I too am getting the same thing  Maximilian Doerr (cyberbot)  had,
>> "adds a bunch of junk,/usr/bin/jsub -N <unwanted name> -once -quiet,
>> to the beginning of each entry, breaking the crontab"  I don't know
>> what Marc did to fix cyberbot's crontab.
>> Bryan
>> On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 10:59 PM, Bryan White <bgwhite at gmail.com> wrote:
> > After Lab's accidental erasure of all crontabs, I retrieved my old
> > crontab off of backup because ~/...DATA.crontab was 0 length.  I ran
> > crontab and it said it was converting it to the new system.
> >
> > Nothing works.
> >
> > Looks like it converted my crontab to submit the actual crons to the
> > queue.  The jobs are going to the queue, but dying.   Crap from the
> > crons are  filling up my home directory.
> >
> > I manually ran a line from the crontab and it promptly died.
> >
> > Bryan
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