[Labs-l] displaying puppet status for each host

Petr Bena benapetr at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 09:06:16 UTC 2014


This is something I am now trying to set up on my own servers but it
would be useful on labs too.

I recently started using puppet on my servers too (I like it, unlike
on labs where I rather hate it - because using puppet when you need to
wait weeks / months for every simple config change to get merged and
applied is true nightmare of every sysadmin), however what I am having
troubles with now, is how to check what the puppet status of each node
is, other than sshing there and checking puppet agent logs.

Is there some nice web GUI or something like that, which would display
status of every node, errors, warnings etc. So that I could have easy
to reach overview of all nodes managed by puppet? I think this would
be extremely helpful on labs as well. Nagios can display puppet
freshness, but that isn't very much.

Imagine a nagios-like website where you would have a list of all nodes
maintained by puppet, with detail configuration information, which
manifests are used on each node and if they were successfully applied,
when etc. Is there anything like that? Can we set it up on labs? Can
someone tell me how to do that or link me to some resources? Thanks

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