[Labs-l] Labs datacenter migration

Diederik van Liere dvanliere at wikimedia.org
Wed Nov 20 18:31:56 UTC 2013

Would it be hard and worthwhile to write a 'migration assessment' script
that can be run on a labs instance and that would give you warnings if you
have data in your home folder, puppet does not run properly, etc. Owners of
a labs instance could then be notified by email that their instance is
probably not ready for migration. If this would make sense, what kind of
checks should such a script make?

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 1:09 PM, Andrew Bogott <abogott at wikimedia.org>wrote:

>  On 11/20/13 10:01 AM, Petr Bena wrote:
> Can you please elaborate more on what we need to do in case we have
> instances with selfhosted puppet master?
> Yep!  Also note that I do not at all mind doing this myself, so if you
> have a problematic instance just let me know and I can clean things up.  I
> recently visited almost all of the self-hosted instances and organized
> things, so probably your instances are in reasonable shape already.
> To update yourself:
> First, figure out if you have local changes, and if they're already
> organized into patches:
> $ cd /var/lib/git/operations/puppet
> $ git diff .
> Is there a diff?  If so you need to organize it into one or more patches
> and get them committed.  Until 'git diff' runs cleanly the next step will
> fail.
> Now that your local repo is organized, we want to rebase against gerrit.
> Assuming you haven't done anything dramatic, this should do the trick:
> $ sudo GIT_SSH=/var/lib/git/ssh git pull --rebase
> That rebase may fail with conflicts, depending on what local patches you
> have.  If so, you need to resolve the conflicts as you would with any git
> rebase.
> Once things are rebasing properly...
> $ sudo puppetd -tv
> And look for errors or warnings, and fix them :)
> Doing all of this will get your instance so that it's clean and ready for
> updates, but we'll still need to repeat the rebase by hand when the actual
> migration happens.  I'm not yet entirely sure how that procedure will go,
> but I guarantee it will be much easier if you follow the above steps ahead
> of time.
> -Andrew
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