[Labs-l] Network changes to Labs

Ryan Lane rlane at wikimedia.org
Tue Mar 5 00:52:31 UTC 2013

Today we bonded three NICs on the network node to increase network capacity
between instances and resources outside of Labs (including glusterfs). This
resulted in a short network outage while the router was reconfigured and
again when we restarted the network services on the network node.

If you had any bots that have issues with lost network connections, you'll
need to restart them.

We've made these changes for a couple reasons:

1. We were occasionally (but rarely) saturating the current link
2. This allows us to change the network driver we use on the virtual
machines to the virtio driver, which changes the NICs from 100Mb to 1Gb.

I've set virtio as the default for all new instance creations, and am in
the process of changing the driver for existing instances. After I've
changed the driver, instances will need to be rebooted for this to take
affect. I'll send out another mail when this has occurred.

- Ryan
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