[Labs-l] can we get rid of default vim config?

Antoine Musso hashar+wmf at free.fr
Mon Jun 10 08:00:43 UTC 2013

Le 08/06/13 18:33, Petr Bena a écrit :
> I am really getting pissed off by it :P
> Please make vim configuration /by default/ the real default of ubuntu,
> and not that creepy wmf version. I figured out it's nearly impossible
> to turn it off or override (it's possible but for example with sudo or
> using service accounts it won't work, unless I upload my override to
> all user accounts I use on all projects).
> Why don't you make this wmf version as option for people who really
> want to use it?
> Instead of forcing everyone to use it


I have my configuration files in a Github project nicknamed 'alix':

Whenever I join a new project I would fetch it under /home/hashar/alix
then edit my .bashrc:

 $ cat .bashrc
 . /home/hashar/alix/bashrc
 umask 0002

And my .vimrc:

 source $ALIX_DIR/vimrc
 "source /home/hashar/alix/vimrc

Where ALIX_DIR is set by bash using dirname:

 export ALIX_DIR=$(dirname $BASH_SOURCE)

If I ever need to switch to root, I will `sudo -s` which keep the
current user environment such as $HOME which then let vim and bash load
MY dotfiles :)

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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